Review: Peridot Barbie (2007)

Review: Peridot Barbie (2007)

Behold, the absolutely charming August Birthstone Barbie (2007 edition):

Let’s dive in, shall we?

First things first – that face!  Oh my goodness, she’s a cutie.  I think I may have a thing for the Steffie face mold, everything is just right.  Big eyes with a sideways glance and a cheeky pout?  Sign me up, I’m sold.

There’s a hint of resemblance to the Odile face mold that the Flight of Fashion doll sports, though she’s far less ethereal.  The skin tone and hair color give her distinct personality, and made her much easier to find a “skin tone” match made to move body.

Let’s talk hair.  Yes, I’m a total sucker for anything that remotely resembles a redhead.  Her strawberry blonde locks remind me of Moira’s, though just a touch darker.  The color is undeniably appealing, and those curls?  Absolutely adorable.

The curveball:  when I eagerly ripped her free of the evil confines of her packaging, I discovered the entire back of her hair, matted. 

It’s one of those moments where you wonder if being a “keep em in the box” collector might have perks.  Out of sight, out of mind.  But is ignorance truly bliss?

About that outfit … I’m just going to be real with you:  it’s not exactly my cup of tea. 

She dressed in a light green cocktail dress, adorned with yellow and gold sparkly lace and green ribbon belt. Adding to the questionable ensemble is a matching, velveteen shrug, and little, green, open-toe heels. 

It's all a bit over-the-top for my taste. 

Though the necklace and charm bracelet might be kinda cute, if they were styled with a different outfit. They have potential.

There’s also a surprising party crasher.  Yes, that’s a chihuahua … wearing a crown.

This little oddity seems to have found its place in her entourage.  I’m a little confused as to why it’s a part of this set, but let’s just roll with the whimsy, shall we?

Now let’s talk about her figure – the dreaded model muse body.  It’s the same one that the Birthday Barbie and Flight of Fashion barbie sport.  It’s a bittersweet deal, really, as the skin tones match perfectly, but her articulation game is sorely lacking.

Thankfully, she’s a decent skintone match for the curvy, made to move, floral bottom barbie. You know me, I’m all about that sweet, sweet pose life.  Here she is, rebodied.

All things considered – the matted hair hiccup and my aversion to the model muse body – this doll still earns a thumbs up in my book.  She’s got a sassy charm about her that’s hard to ignore.  In fact, I intend to embrace it. 

In the grand scheme of things, my week’s been a bit of a rollercoaster of poo. Our building’s playing host to a pesky leak in the rain gutter, causing balcony chaos for us, and those below.  Ah, first world problems.  As if that wasn't enough, I've got a front-row ticket to the Covid rerun, all thanks to my husband's co-worker who thought a face-to-face meeting was acceptable, despite a positive test. Bravo, really, jackass.

Sigh. Thanks for giving me space to escape and dive into the world of dolls, however briefly.

Have a good one.

Artisinal Ink

Artisinal Ink

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