I got a Couch!

I got a Couch!

This isn’t the first year I’ve chosen to go ahead and gifts for my dolly world over the holidays.  This year, I decided to get a new, sectional couch.  There were multiple pattern and color options available, but I really wanted something in a lovely, olive green. Thankfully, the artisan/seller was willing to work with me. One of the many things I like about Etsy. Here’s the image they sent me:

And here it is, in my dolly living room:

I decided not to utilize the carpet, as I really love the hard-wood floor in this room, but I’m sure it’ll fit nicely somewhere, assuming I get any other rooms decorated anytime soon.

Logan, catching up on his tv shows, clearly approves 😆 :

Comfy, cute, and it fits perfectly into the room. I may re-arrange things at some point, but for now, this is just right.

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