My Art Studio

My Art Studio

When stress and frustration hit, I paint. As you can see, I paint a lot.

Yes, I struggle with my mental health. Most times when I find myself dwelling on the overwhelming chaos and atrocities in the world, things far out of my control and vastly beyond my little world, my sanctuary is my art studio. It's a place where I can channel at least a portion of the negativity that tugs at my heart strings.

My method of coping is pretty simple. Address a problem I can control: the empty canvas. This is a small thing I can fix, I can fill it with fawns and fantastical creatures, scenery, or whatever else speaks to me. In doing so, I find a sense of solace, though I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say purpose. Still, it helps.

How do you navigate the turmoil when it feels like the world is a swirl of chaos, threatening to crumble to ash?

On an Out of Character Note:  To head off any concerns of theft from some starving artist by using their images without their consent – I am said starving artist, I’m just not starving (though I would be if this was the only source of income).  These are my pieces and most of them are on my Displate, if you’re so inclined. 

Real or AI?

Real or AI?

Delulu Baking

Delulu Baking