Tiny Quarantine Couple

Tiny Quarantine Couple

During this covid-19 crisis, we’re all trying to self-isolate and stay home as much as possible – which gets a little more interesting when you live in a tiny house.  Over the weekend I decided to check on the only couple I know that live in a tiny house:  Moira & Logan, who I have dubbed “Moigan” for this interview – too much?  I myself have been going a little stir-crazy, so I’m wondering what they’re doing to stay sane.

Eve:  Hi you two, thanks for agreeing to this.  You’ve been home for over a month now, what are you doing to stay sane?

Moigan:  Staying home hasn’t been an issue for either of us.  We’ve always been comfortable spending time together; if anything, it’s been real nice curling up on the couch while we work on various projects.  Of course, that creates plenty of opportunities for pleasant distraction.  We could get used to this 😉

Eve:  And separately?

Logan:  We’ve begun taking turns making dinner, it’s become something of a game keeping each other out of the kitchen and we’ve even started hiding ingredients in paper bags, trying to keep the meal a surprise so the other doesn’t know what’s coming (laughs).  It’s fun.  On a more serious note, I’ve been volunteering to make masks for our local healthcare professionals, I may as well put the skills to use.  I want to give back to the community when I can.

Plastically Perfect - Playscale Enthusiast - Mattel Repainted OOAK made to move curvy Barbie + BMR1959 Green flocked hair Ken - Tiny House Interview 00.jpg

Moira:  You know me, Eve, I’m the introvert queen.  I’m doing what I always do; lots of reading, painting, indoor-gardening, and I’ve been trying to master sketching and inking with my Wacum tablet.  I’m rubbish at sewing, so I’ve been sending friends and family care packages; our area hasn’t really experienced hoarders, but I know some of my friends and family haven’t been so lucky. 

Eve:  What’s the toughest thing about quarantining in a tiny home?

Logan:  I’ve been tiny space living for over 20 years, so for me this isn’t something new.  The toughest aspect in a tiny is the lack of dedicated fitness area.  I mean, we’ve got the patio and the great outdoors, but it’s not the same as hitting the gym or going for a swim.  Sometimes I feel a little shiftless, but as long as the weather permits, we can stretch our legs and do our workout in the back yard.

Moira:  My hours disappearing is scary; with hotels being closed everything is up in the air.  I’m lucky, I still have my job and I’ll be getting my regular paycheck, but that’s only because the government is footing a good portion of the bill.  I feel privileged to live in a country where this is possible, a lot of my friends are still living stateside and don’t have the same safety nets. 

Eve:  Have you had to make your tiny house more quarantine friendly?

Moigan:  We’re both of the opinion that ‘better safe than sorry’.  We added what we’ve dubbed ‘the airlock’ to our place.  It’s really just a tent from last year’s camping season that’s been re-purposed into a delivery point.  When things arrive, they’re sanitized, rinsed, and either left for a few days before being brought inside, or they’re popped in the little mini fridge/freezer we have hooked up outside.  We just want to be careful.  We’re also grateful to have our little garden because it’s meant fewer grocery deliveries and trips out for essentials.  Sadly, our cucumber plant didn’t survive a late spring freeze that hit us last week and the new one has yet to produce fruit. 

Plastically Perfect - Playscale Enthusiast - Mattel Repainted OOAK made to move curvy Barbie + BMR1959 Green flocked hair Ken - Tiny House Interview 03.jpg

Eve:  Does having a tiny house make social distancing more difficult?

Logan:  I haven’t found that living tiny has made it any more or less difficult, really.  We’re comfortable with this lifestyle, so I don’t think it’s presented more of a challenge than what anyone else is dealing with. 

Moira:  I’m going to have to disagree slightly – we don’t have a whole lot of pantry space, so the drawer under the bed has temporarily been converted into food storage, which makes food prep a bit of a treasure hunt.  Also, maybe we have it a little easier because we’ve got this cozy little hideaway, apart from the world, to hole up in.  Apart from not working, we’re just living our regular lives – an extended weekend of sorts. 

Eve:  Do you have any tips for people, like yours truly, living in a bigger space and still going stir-crazy?

Logan:  Stay occupied.  I know it’s an oversimplified answer, but it’s true.  For someone with a bigger space, re-organize your furniture, clean your basement and garage.  Who knows what kinds of projects you’ll stumble across to keep busy?  Don’t be afraid of trying something new, even if it’s something you don’t see yourself doing.  Take online dance classes, order a DIY robot kit, learn to code – anything that’s going to frustrate you, in a fun way, and challenge you.

Moira:  What he said.  Logan’s got me trying yoga and I’ve got him naming our plants with me – I’m not sure we still have our collective sanity.  And the goofball level has been turned way, waaaaaaaaaaay up since quarantine hit.

Eve:  How so? 

Logan:  (Laughs) Really want to share that?  Okay.  Well, we spontaneously reenact scenes from our favorite shows and movies…a lot.

Moira:  All the time!

Eve:  Such as?

  Oh my gosh – where do I even start?  ‘Ready Player One’ (the two high five each other), ‘Big Hero 6’, and ‘Dark Crystal’ to name a few.

Logan:  I can’t believe you didn’t mention ‘Knight and Day’, baby.  And we dance and sing together, a lot – maybe it’s a good thing we don’t have close neighbors.  Until you’ve sung along to every song in ‘Labyrinth’ at 2 in the morning, you haven’t done quarantine right.

Eve:  (Laughs) You two are such a cute couple, kindred spirits for sure.  What are your plans for Easter?

Logan:  Couch commandos, maybe we’ll finally break down and watch ‘Tiger King’.  I always said I wanted to spend all my time with this woman, now I can, I’m lucky (the two hug).

Can we say #CoupleGoals?  As to the rest of us, maybe they’re onto something – indoor gardening, art, getting creative, keeping busy, and giving back to the community when and where we can. 

Beware the Hair

Beware the Hair

Thank you!

Thank you!