

I’m going to do a quick TL;DR version of what would otherwise be a very long, rambling post (I’d know, I just wrote it, it’s three pages – yuck).

Got a job that required I travel; the pay was too good to pass up, the estimate was 10-18 months. In character, I decide to have Eve move as well, so it didn’t seem weird her surroundings would change with mine. I was going to mask this with some in-character drama.

I thought it would be easier to send the dolls ahead of me and my friend M said they’d happily arrange things for me; M and their sister E were both on board. I was thrilled to have somewhere safe to send the dolls. The package had everyone in it, along with some clothes that doubled as padding. it was insured up the backside and plastered with fragile stickers.

Post-send off my (now former) employer delayed my departure. That was bad enough, but before the package got to E, she was deployed (hazard of the job), leaving it to be signed for by her husband, R.

No biggie…right?
So. Very. Wrong.

Someone signed for the package, sure.  But it wasn’t anyone I knew. That’s right, someone out there signed for my dolls and took the package, but it was no one I’d sent it to.  If you’re flabbergasted by this, you’re not alone.  Who would do something like this?! Clearly these dolls are custom, why would someone just keep them?

As far as the post office is concerned, that parcel was delivered.  I spent months on the phone & emailing them. They refunded some of the insurance money, but because it was delivered, there’s nowhere else to go with it. Dead end. The box containing my doll wardrobe (my intended backdrop) and some of my favorite clothes arrived, but not the box with my dolls!

I haven’t seen my dolls since the autumn of 2018 and I likely never will again.  I miss them.  I miss blogging, too.   When I decided to get back to it, around August, I knew I was going to need a new doll. 

Let me just say, this is not a fun post, and I’m sorry for it.  I wish I could say I was still holding out hope that Eve & her friends were somewhere, waiting to get back to me, but it’s been nearly a year.  I miss them.  I know it sounds silly, really, I do – but they had a lot of sentimental value to me.

I’ll be resuming blogging here shortly (I thought it was apt to start up on Halloween, as that was when my first and final posts from Eve happened), with a new doll.  And now you know why I disappeared, and why we’re all going to have to get used to an entirely new face (though, from what I know of Betty’s work, she’s going to be gorgeous :) ). 

Thanks for stopping by, and hopefully I’ll see you again soon. 

DIY Jack-O-Lantern

DIY Jack-O-Lantern

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!