

I had this whole apologetic post written out, saying I was sorry if my views offended people – based on the comments (why I moderate) some folks were…shall we say “upset”.  You know what, though? 

I’m not sorry. 

This is my blog and if I don’t like your hateful, narrow-minded, racist views (which I don’t), I’m not obligated to host them here.  Feel free to do what I did, and make a blog if you’re that passionate. But you’re not going to spew your disgusting vitriol in my comments section.


Furthermore, if the statement “Black Lives Matter” offends you, that’s your problem. As far as I’m aware no one said “Black lives matter MORE”, no one said “ONLY black lives matter”, I know I haven’t said either, nor would I support those statements. 

That said, it appears that some people in the community need to be reminded that black skin doesn’t take away someone’s personhood and their right to be protected and served on an equal basis with everyone else.    How that can be offensive to folks who claim they’re not racist is beyond me.

To those who celebrate it, Happy Juneteenth - 155 years to the day the last slave was freed from oppression. Please remember, dear readers:  skin color should NOT determine a person’s worth.

Giveaway Fest 001

Giveaway Fest 001

Getting Dressed...Sorta

Getting Dressed...Sorta