Dolly Parton Challenge 6
Up to this point, Heather has been a bit of a blank slate for me.
When I look at her, I can actually see a mixture of people I know and love. So, I’m going to base her on them. Let’s see…
She’s spunky and upbeat, loves to laugh, lots of personality, not afraid to express herself or let her freak flag fly. To pay the bills she caters, but she’d love to be able to make a living on Etsy selling her sculptures of fae. At the same time, to sell any of them would break her heart, as she loves them dearly. Her favorite animal is the turtle and she has two cats, both adopted from a kill shelter.
But how to capture that in a series of pictures? Here goes…
I really need to get a felt cat for her. What do you think? Did I capture what I was after?
See you next time, Nicholai is stepping up to the plate.